Education & Workforce Development
Empowering Our Community
Specialized training and education
We strive to prioritize workforce education through seminars, training sessions, and programs designed to elevate hospitality and tourism services.
We organized two courses regarding the Temporary Food Service Permits for people who are affected by the arduous process of obtaining the permit from the health department. More than fifty restaurateurs and catering professionals attended the TLC office.
We provide a great benefit to our membership through our strong partnership with savannahjobs.com. A free job posting is offered each month to our members to assist in staff recruitment efforts.
Through our Tour Guide Certificate Program, Coastal Concierge Association Certificate Program, and many other workforce training and education programs we provide, we have successfully trained thousands. From training young professionals entering the workforce to C-suite level professionals with decades of experience, we believe that continued training is necessary for an industry as dynamic as ours.